> 文章列表 > 过春节大家都胖了几斤英文





When you eat too much, you are likely to gain weight.

大家都知道,春节是一个美食满满的节日,每逢这个时候,我们往往不能抵挡住诱人的美食,吃下了大量的食物。然而,我们也经常会担心自己会因此而胖起来。据作业帮网友反映,他们想要了解“吃多了会长胖”的英语表达。对此,笔者认为,可以使用“When you eat too much, you are likely to gain weight.”这个表达来形容“吃多了会长胖”。也就是说,当我们摄入过多的食物时,很可能会增加体重。


My father is an accountant. He is 38 years old. He is short and fat. He is very strict in his work and rarely takes breaks.

在这个问题中,网友向作业帮寻求关于一个人的描述的英语表达。据网友的描述,这个人是他的爸爸,职业是一名会计,38岁,又矮又胖。此外,他在工作中非常严谨,很少休息。对此,我认为我们可以这样表达:“My father is an accountant. He is 38 years old. He is short and fat. He is very strict in his work and rarely takes breaks.” 这样清晰地表达了这个人的职业、年龄、外貌以及他在工作中的严谨态度。


大 (big),小 (small),轻 (light),重 (heavy),瘦 (thin),胖 (fat),新 (new),旧 (old)。

这个问题询问关于一些常见形容词在英文中的表达。笔者认为这是一个起步级别的问题,因此简单地回答如下:大 (big),小 (small),轻 (light),重 (heavy),瘦 (thin),胖 (fat),新 (new),旧 (old)。


The word for \"长胖\" in English can be expressed as \"gain weight\" or \"put on weight\".

这个问题询问了关于“长胖”这个动作的英文表达方式。根据作业帮网友的描述,我们可以使用“gain weight”或“put on weight”来表达这个意思。这两个短语在英文中都可以表示体重增加的意思。其中,“gain weight”更偏向于被动形式,而“put on weight”则更加直接地强调体重的增加。


1.boys 2.small/little 3.tiger 4.胖的 5.monkeys 6.they are


  1. The plural form of \"boy\" is \"boys\".
  2. The correct form of \"small/little\" depends on the context. If you are referring to one thing being smaller than another, you can use \"smaller\" or \"lesser\". If you are comparing the size of two things, you can use \"smaller\".
  3. The correct form of \"tiger\" is \"tigers\".
  4. The word for \"胖的\" in English can be expressed as \"fat\".
  5. The plural form of \"monkey\" is \"monkeys\".
  6. The correct form of \"they are\" is the plural form of the verb \"to be\". For example, \"They are eating\" or \"They are running\".


Some English words for \"胖的\" include \"obese\", \"fat\", and \"corpulent\".

在这个问题中,网友要求提供三个以上的关于“胖的”英文词汇。据此,笔者提供如下回答:“Some English words for \'胖的\' include \'obese\', \'fat\', and \'corpulent\'.” 这三个词都可以表示形容一个人过重或肥胖的状态。


Oh, man! I suddenly realized that I have gained some weight recently! I need to lose weight after the college entrance examination! Let\'s go hiking!

在这个问题中,网友想要翻译一段自己的感叹和决定减肥的话。按网友所给的内容,我们可以以这样的方式翻译:“Oh, man! I suddenly realized that I have gained some weight recently! I need to lose weight after the college entrance examination! Let\'s go hiking!” 这样的翻译能够准确地表达出网友的意思,包括对自己体重增加的惊讶和决定减肥的决心。


The word for \"胖的\" in English is \"fat\". The comparative form is \"fatter\" and the superlative form is \"fattest\".


The word for \"胖的\" in English is \"fat\". The comparative form is \"fatter\" and the superlative form is \"fattest\".


Some English expressions for \"胖子\" include \"a fat person\", \"a plump person\", \"a fatty\", and \"the fat\".

在这个问题中,网友询问的是关于“胖子”这个词的英文表达。由于“胖子”这个词涉及到不同程度的肥胖,因此我们可以提供一些常见的英文表达来表示这个意思。比如可以使用 \"a fat person\"、\"a plump person\"、\"a fatty\"以及 \"the fat\" 等表达来形容不同程度的肥胖。


The phrase for \"变胖\" in English is \"become fat\".

这个问题询问了关于“变胖”这个短语的英文表达方式。根据作业帮网友的描述,我们可以使用“become fat”来表达这个意思。这个短语在英文中可以表示体重增加的过程,也可以指一个人逐渐变得肥胖。